Beware of These Seven Direct-Sales Representatives
Over ten years of direct-sales experience have given me the opportunity to meet a multitude of people. Many have positively impacted my life; others, not so much. Nonetheless, every direct-sales relationship I've enjoyed or survived has taught me what type of DS Rep I never want to be, such as …
1. The Pushy DS Rep.
We all have that one DS Rep friend who never talks about anything other than their companies. Granted, I am definitely guilty of this; however, I always try to focus on how the company or product benefits the customer. Many pushy DS Reps do not know how to take NO for an answer, and they do not realize when they're being too aggressive with their promoting methods. They will spam your unrelated post with their opportunity, or cold message you unsolicited information. Pushy DS reps are like the unattractive coworker who doesn't understand subtle clues that state a person isn't interested; thus, creating a horrible prejudice for all DS Reps.
2. The Poacher.
DS Poachers are some of the nastiest people in the DS world. They lack morals and will do anything for a new team member or sale, such as: friend request your customers with intentions to poach them. Also, some will go as low as publicly shaming you and your company.
3. The Chronic Cold Messenger.
In a previous blog entry, I shared that cold messaging is all right when personalized, instead of an impersonal copy/pasted script. However, there are DS Reps who haven't recognized that cold messaging strangers with an overused script is rude.
4. The Friend Requester Who Immediately Adds You to Their Facebook Group.
These DS Reps are more selfish than professional. They believe that having loads of Facebook friends and rudely adding people to their group is how they can build their business. Instead, their actions give a negative first impression, causing strangers to unfriend or block them.
5. The Post Tagger.
Post Taggers believe they will increase their visibility if they tag as many people as possible in their post. However, they don't realize that it's presumptuous to do that without asking.
6. The Spammer.
It doesn't matter if it's a DS inquiry or a personal update, this DS Rep will reply to ALL updates with their business script.
7. The Compliance Spy.
Of all the listed DS Reps, this rep will literally ruin your business. Be careful of adding just anyone to your cyber network, because compliance spies never admit that they'll turn you in. Nonetheless, all it takes is one anti-compliance post—and you could lose your direct-sales business FOREVER!
Avoiding the above DS reps isn't always easy. However, monitoring who you allow in your network will decrease the listed reps availability to harm your business.
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Krihstin Zink is a Texas-based wife, mama, product promoter and the bestselling author of Scarlet's Torment, Scarlet Unleashed, 3 Grams, Kate, and Scarlet Forever. When she's not adventuring with her family, or building her brand, she's concocting charismatic stories that keep her readers coming back for more. Her books and products are all available on her website.