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Author Spotlight: Harper Phoenix

I was born and bred in East Yorkshire England, and I still live in my hometown, with my husband and children. My journey with stories began when I was just a child, I would often scribble down wherever my dreams or imagination took me. My journey with writing stories, began much later when I became ill and housebound for a period of eighteen months. I decided I would escape real life and become immersed in a story of my creation. With the support of my husband and family my first real story was born. I would stay up night after night tapping the keys of my trusty laptop, while my husband lay sleeping beside me. I was hooked. But it wasnt as easy as that. My story needed work. A lot of it. And it sat on my computer for some years after that. Later on I decided to embark on another journey. I went to university, where I studied Creative writing and english literature. I then decided with a new wealth of knowledge that I would once again delve into the world that I had created. I had never forgotten the characters and would often think about what I would have liked to have done with them over the years. I had grown to love them for getting me through a very difficult period in my life, and I wanted other people to read all about them. And so I began to rewrite my book. It wasnt until I delved into the 'Book world' on facebook that I discovered the 'Indie book world.' Its amazing! So many authors are now being heard publishing this way, and I can only hope that my books will leave a lasting memory for some or all of you readers too!

Author links:

Zak &Harper's Sinners sanctuary: Website: Facebook:

Twitter: @harperpheonix1 Goodreads:

Instagram: @Harperphoenix2016

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