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Author Spotlight: Brittany Adkins

Brittany Adkins has been writing short stories and working on novels for 17 years. Though she has an Associate’s degree in Massage Therapy, she decided to follow her passion for writing, to getting her Bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing, which she completed in April 2016. She has always been an observer of people and culture which has benefited her writing skills by allowing her to access knowledge of various cultures for depth in her characters and stories. This skill has always aided her with the ability to tell stories from multiple perspectives. Brittany always has two novels in progress at any given time. Though she has the ability to work in many of the fiction genres, her true passion resides in the Romance genre and the sub-genres of Romance. She also branches out to the genres Romantic Erotica and Erotica. Many of her fellow writers have called her the Romantic Adventure Storyteller. She also has been mentored and created networking with writers in the entertainment and writing industry, as well as the world of fandoms. She hopes her books will inspire an epidemic of reading and less time on social media. Her lasted work, Fictional Musings, an expanded edition of The Fictional Musings of a Day Dreamer, was inspired through the different genres she happens to love. Each story and poem hold a place near and dear to her. One of the stories was collaborations with her friend and fellow writer Colleen Boehm. She also has a BDSM Erotica story called Winning Jenn. She was happy to see Winning Jenn become hit among her readers. She has an upcoming romantic novel coming out soon, Falling For London. She also has a novel that is scheduled for release in 2017, Tears of Blood. The novel is part of five book series. Brittany lives in Tennessee on a small homestead with her husband fellow author, Tracy Adkins and two children, where they raise chickens, ducks, and rabbits. They also have three dogs and a fire skink lizard. Brittany is also an MS warrior, and in her free time she enjoys crocheting and reading.


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