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Author Spotlight: EB Black

E.B. Black was raised by her imagination. She was bullied a lot of growing up, but thanks to daydreaming and books, she always had a friend around, even if most of those friends were imaginary at the time. She was raised on books like Little House On The Prairie, The Boxcar Children, and eventually Sweet Valley High, the last of which was where her love of romance novels came from. But eventually, as she got older, she also read and fell in love with the Harry Potter series and an affection for both romance and fantasy novels grew to make her the writer she is today. Often times, she would read instead of doing homework as a teenager and sometimes read instead of sleeping. Now that she makes her own worlds, she hopes to captivate other people in the same way all her favorite writers have always captivated her. She lives in Southern California with her husband and dog who both love her and respect her love of both them and her writing.


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